AutoText and AutoCorrect are features that can save you lots of time and lots of frustration – if you go to the trouble of learning how to use them. There’s no better time than now to get started. Let’s take a quick look at some of the more endearing features of both, with the hope that you’ll take up the reins and try some additional tricks with these features.

AutoText is a great time saver when documents require boilerplate text (disclaimers, general liability language, etc.). Copying and pasting is inefficient, and it may find you copying and pasting names or other data that you meant to leave out.

Besides the AutoText entries that Word gives you, you can easily add your own entries. Just highlight the text you want to add, making sure that it doesn’t contain specifics to one document. From the Word menu, select Insert, then AutoText, then New.

You’ll get a Create form, and the rest is a breeze. Just bear in mind that this feature is not a replacement for document templates. Templates are still the best feature to use when several documents share structure and layout.

Note: If you are using MS Office 2007, then you can access the AutoCorrect options by clicking on the Windows icon in the top left area of the screen and then selecting the Word Options button.

For inserting AutoText, follow this AutoComplete suggestion – start typing the AutoText’s next four characters and Word will pop up its suggestion for inserting the AutoText. Press Enter or F3 to insert. Just remember, the user can’t alter AutoText entries – one must replace old text by following the steps in creating a new entry.

The user can benefit from the advanced features that are displayed on the AutoCorrect Windows dialog box. One of the advanced features is a tab called AutoFormatting as You Type, in which the user’s selected phrases and/ or paragraphs can be formatted. This can be a tremendous assist in creating professional-appearing documents.

Using AutoCorrect, the user already has a built-in default spelling corrector (e.g. “Teh” to “The”). Adjust AutoCorrect to one’s own uses by selecting AutoCorrect from Tools. Add or delete from the list as desired. You can use your company’s initials – say, WCP for “World Computer Products,” along with the address. When the computer user starts keying in the name, the entire name and address, slogan or other previously added preferences will appear.


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