When we want to share files online with our peers, we often come to think of online services like Megaupload, Rapidshare, etc. These services are great, but often they too have their limitations. For instance, some host impose limits to countries. Here’s where services like UploadJockey comes to play its role. Whenever you upload a file to UploadJockey, it will upload your file to multiple free file hosting services (Rapidshare.com, Badango.com, Sendspace.com, Zshare.net, Megaupload.com and Depositfiles.com). For those who downloads, they get to choose which host they prefer. Think of it as a service that mass mirroring the files you intended to share.

UploadJockey is free to use, but comes with a limitation of 100Mb per upload. Uploading files to UploadJockey is easy. Just browse to your file, upload it and you’ll be returned a link to a page with download links from different hosts. Just be careful what you’ve click because there’s quite a number of ads on the upper fold of the page.

CLICK HERE to navigate through uploadjockey site.


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