Keep updated with sites which do not provide RSS feeds...
Posted by DILLU... at Wednesday, August 13, 2008Many websites don’t provide rss subscriptions, and the only way to get updated is to visit the site more often. But there is a solution to this problem. Update Scanner is a firefox plugin that fulfills your rss needs.
Click here to download that plugin -> DOWNLOAD
After installing the plugin follow the steps :
1)Right click anywhere on the page of the website you want and select Scan Page For Updates option.
2)After selecting the option a control panel will appear from which you can choose that how often the site has to be checked.
Now just click ok and your work is done. You will be notified by the update scanner when a change is detected in the site.You can click the up arrow on the right side of your bottom status bar to show the update scanner sidebar.
Labels: firefox