In Kiosk mode,there is nothing at the top, and nothing at the bottom. No toolbars, no taskbar. Nothing.
Well, you can set that up automatically. You can use the current icon, or create a new one.I recommend the latter, so you're not locked into Kiosk mode.
Start by right-clicking an empty area on the desktop. Select New>>Shortcut. In the box, enter "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" -k. Name it IE Kiosk.
Of course, there are no navigation buttons. So you have to substitute keystrokes. For instance, there is no Back button. But you can use the Backspace key. There's no Forward button, either. So you use Alt+Right Arrow. And to close the window? Click Ctrl+W.
The following link show the windows Keyboard shortcuts..
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