Bloxtr is a web site that looks and works like an Operating System.The Web based OS has a pretty clean desktop from where you can access all the other features.

Features :
1. Office Suite - Lets you create and manage documents, files, contacts, calender. There is no support for Microsoft Word or Excel format files.
2. Feeds, Web Browser. Yeah! A web-browser inside a web-browser.
3. A calculator and an application to takes notes.
4. Games - Only Chess is available at this point.
5. A process killer is also included. This allows you to stop a process just like you do in Windows with Windows Task Manager.
6. Files can be downloaded in zip format.

Drawbacks :
1. Too slow.
2. No right-click context menu.
3. Gmail, combined with Google Docs can be used to get almost similar features minus the OS style user interface. In fact, Google Docs and Spreadsheets offer much better and advanced features.


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