Hide data in notepad without using any software
2 comments Posted by DILLU... at Thursday, October 30, 2008It is a pretty unknown trick to create hidden text files using nothing but Notepad, you can use this simple trick to hide plain text data without using any third-party utility.The text files created using the method below won't show anywhere in DOS or Windows irrespective of the hidden and system display file-settings, the files created using this can only be accessed if you know the correct file-name used while creating the file.Follow the steps :
- Launch Windows command prompt from Start Menu -> Run -> Type cmd and press Enter.
- Using DOS commands navigate to the desired folder.
- Now type in notepad VisibleFile.txt:HiddenFile.txt and hit Enter, you can change
VisibleFile.txt and HiddenFile.txt to names of your choice (notice the : between both file-names), You will be prompted to Create a New file click Yes.
- Now enter data you want to hide, save the file and close notepad.
- Visit the file-save location, you will see your VisibleFile.txt file (non-hidden) there, you can open the file and enter any text of your choice as any other normal text file.
- The hidden file HiddenFile.txt will not be visible under Windows Explorer or DOS.
- To open and read/write your hidden file, type in the command notepad VisibleFile.txt:HiddenFile.txt (change filenames with your own used during Step 3 above) at DOS command prompt and hit Enter.
Note : If the visible file (VisibleFile.txt) is deleted your hidden file (HiddenFile.txt) will also get deleted.
Labels: xp
bypass windows genuine validation for windows media player 11
0 comments Posted by DILLU... at Thursday, October 30, 2008
Windows media player 11 can be downloaded directly from Microsoft without any WGA validation check and test on Windows OS. But, during installation of WMPlayer 11, there is still Windows Genuine Advantage Validation check required on Windows OS that you plan to install WMP11. If you unable to pass the validation verification, the following trick helps to bypass the validation verification.
If the media player 11 is already installed in your system, go to step2
1 - Go to the old windows media player (WM10), go to Tools–>Options and click on ‘Check for updates once a day.’ Press Apply and then OK.
After a short time a window appears asking if you want to upgrade to a newer version, click OK. System will download WM11 and and install the Media Player 11. After installation restart your PC.
2 - Click on Start –> Search. Click ‘All files and folders’ then search for LegitLibM.dll. (it’s located in C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player folder.)
After LegitLibM.dll is found, right click and rename it to legitlib.dll.
3 - Run WM11, click on validate, it may say ‘unable to validate’ (but that’s a fake message and WMP11 still works, so just click on OK). Then the program will go on to settings or configuration and after you do that, the WMP 11 is ready to be used.
Labels: xp
In the spring of 1999, a man named David L. Smith created a computer virus based on a Microsoft Word macro. He built the virus so that it could spread through e-mail messages. Smith named the virus "Melissa," saying that he named it after an exotic dancer from
Rather than shaking its moneymaker, the Melissa computer virus tempts recipients into opening a document with an e-mail message like "Here is that document you asked for, don't show it to anybody else." Once activated, the virus replicates itself and sends itself out to the top 50 people in the recipient's e-mail address book.
The virus spread rapidly after Smith unleashed it on the world. The United States federal government became very interested in Smith's work -- according to statements made by FBI officials to Congress, the Melissa virus "wreaked havoc on government and private sector networks" [source: FBI]. The increase in e-mail traffic forced some companies to discontinue e-mail programs until the virus was contained.
After a lengthy trial process, Smith lost his case and received a 20-month jail sentence. The court also fined Smith $5,000 and forbade him from accessing computer networks without court authorization [source: BBC]. Ultimately, the Melissa virus didn't cripple the Internet, but it was one of the first computer viruses to get the public's attention.
A year after the Melissa virus hit the Internet, a digital menace emerged from the Philippines. Unlike the Melissa virus, this threat came in the form of a worm -- it was a standalone program capable of replicating itself. It bore the name ILOVEYOU.
The ILOVEYOU virus initially traveled the Internet by e-mail, just like the Melissa virus. The subject of the e-mail said that the message was a love letter from a secret admirer. An attachment in the e-mail was what caused all the trouble. The original worm had the file name of LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs. The vbs extension pointed to the language the hacker used to create the worm: Visual Basic Scripting [source: McAfee].
According to anti-virus software producer McAfee, the ILOVEYOU virus had a wide range of attacks:
* It copied itself several times and hid the copies in several folders on the victim's hard drive.
* It added new files to the victim's registry keys.
* It replaced several different kinds of files with copies of itself.
* It sent itself through Internet Relay Chat clients as well as e-mail.
* It downloaded a file called WIN-BUGSFIX.EXE from the Internet and executed it. Rather than fix bugs, this program was a password-stealing application that e-mailed secret information to the hacker's e-mail address.
Who created the ILOVEYOU virus? Some think it was Onel de Guzman of the Philippines. Filipino authorities investigated de Guzman on charges of theft -- at the time the Philippines had no computer espionage or sabotage laws. Citing a lack of evidence, the Filipino authorities dropped the charges against de Guzman, who would neither confirm nor deny his responsibility for the virus. According to some estimates, the ILOVEYOU virus caused $10 billion in damages.
Virus 8: The Klez Virus
The Klez virus marked a new direction for computer viruses, setting the bar high for those that would follow. It debuted in late 2001, and variations of the virus plagued the Internet for several months. The basic Klez worm infected a victim's computer through an e-mail message, replicated itself and then sent itself to people in the victim's address book. Some variations of the Klez virus carried other harmful programs that could render a victim's computer inoperable. Depending on the version, the Klez virus could act like a normal computer virus, a worm or a Trojan horse. It could even disable virus-scanning software and pose as a virus-removal tool [source: Symantec].
Shortly after it appeared on the Internet, hackers modified the Klez virus in a way that made it far more effective. Like other viruses, it could comb through a victim's address book and send itself to contacts. But it could also take another name from the contact list and place that address in the "From" field in the e-mail client. It's called spoofing -- the e-mail appears to come from one source when it's really coming from somewhere else.
Spoofing an e-mail address accomplishes a couple of goals. For one thing, it doesn't do the recipient of the e-mail any good to block the person in the "From" field, since the e-mails are really coming from someone else. A Klez worm programmed to spam people with multiple e-mails could clog an inbox in short order, because the recipients would be unable to tell what the real source of the problem was. Also, the e-mail's recipient might recognize the name in the "From" field and therefore be more receptive to opening it.
Virus 7: Code Red and Code Red II
The Code Red and Code Red II worms popped up in the summer of 2001. Both worms exploited an operating system vulnerability that was found in machines running Windows 2000 and Windows NT. The vulnerability was a buffer overflow problem, which means when a machine running on these operating systems receives more information than its buffers can handle, it starts to overwrite adjacent memory.
The original Code Red worm initiated a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on the White House. That means all the computers infected with Code Red tried to contact the Web servers at the White House at the same time, overloading the machines.
A Windows 2000 machine infected by the Code Red II worm no longer obeys the owner. That's because the worm creates a backdoor into the computer's operating system, allowing a remote user to access and control the machine. In computing terms, this is a system-level compromise, and it's bad news for the computer's owner. The person behind the virus can access information from the victim's computer or even use the infected computer to commit crimes. That means the victim not only has to deal with an infected computer, but also may fall under suspicion for crimes he or she didn't commit.
While Windows NT machines were vulnerable to the Code Red worms, the viruses' effect on these machines wasn't as extreme. Web servers running Windows NT might crash more often than normal, but that was about as bad as it got. Compared to the woes experienced by Windows 2000 users, that's not so bad.
Microsoft released software patches that addressed the security vulnerability in Windows 2000 and Windows NT. Once patched, the original worms could no longer infect a Windows 2000 machine; however, the patch didn't remove viruses from infected computers -- victims had to do that themselves.
Virus 6: Nimda
Another virus to hit the Internet in 2001 was the Nimda (which is admin spelled backwards) worm. Nimda spread through the Internet rapidly, becoming the fastest propagating computer virus at that time. In fact, according to TruSecure CTO Peter Tippett, it only took 22 minutes from the moment Nimda hit the Internet to reach the top of the list of reported attacks [source: Anthes].
The Nimda worm's primary targets were Internet servers. While it could infect a home PC, its real purpose was to bring Internet traffic to a crawl. It could travel through the Internet using multiple methods, including e-mail. This helped spread the virus across multiple servers in record time.
The Nimda worm created a backdoor into the victim's operating system. It allowed the person behind the attack to access the same level of functions as whatever account was logged into the machine currently. In other words, if a user with limited privileges activated the worm on a computer, the attacker would also have limited access to the computer's functions. On the other hand, if the victim was the administrator for the machine, the attacker would have full control.
The spread of the Nimda virus caused some network systems to crash as more of the system's resources became fodder for the worm. In effect, the Nimda worm became a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack.
Virus 5: SQL Slammer/Sapphire
The Slammer virus hit South Korea hard, cutting it off from the Internet and leaving Internet cafes like this one relatively empty.
In late January 2003, a new Web server virus spread across the Internet. Many computer networks were unprepared for the attack, and as a result the virus brought down several important systems. The Bank of America's ATM service crashed, the city of Seattle suffered outages in 911 service and Continental Airlines had to cancel several flights due to electronic ticketing and check-in errors.
The culprit was the SQL Slammer virus, also known as Sapphire. By some estimates, the virus caused more than $1 billion in damages before patches and antivirus software caught up to the problem [source: Lemos]. The progress of Slammer's attack is well documented. Only a few minutes after infecting its first Internet server, the Slammer virus was doubling its number of victims every few seconds. Fifteen minutes after its first attack, the Slammer virus infected nearly half of the servers that act as the pillars of the Internet [source: Boutin].
The Slammer virus taught a valuable lesson: It's not enough to make sure you have the latest patches and antivirus software. Hackers will always look for a way to exploit any weakness, particularly if the vulnerability isn't widely known. While it's still important to try and head off viruses before they hit you, it's also important to have a worst-case-scenario plan to fall back on should disaster strike.
Virus 4: MyDoom
The MyDoom virus inspired politicians like U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer to propose a National Virus Response Center.
The MyDoom (or Novarg) virus is another worm that can create a backdoor in the victim computer's operating system. The original MyDoom virus -- there have been several variants -- had two triggers. One trigger caused the virus to begin a denial of service (DoS) attack starting Feb. 1, 2004. The second trigger commanded the virus to stop distributing itself on Feb. 12, 2004. Even after the virus stopped spreading, the backdoors created during the initial infections remained active [source: Symantec].
Later that year, a second outbreak of the MyDoom virus gave several search engine companies grief. Like other viruses, MyDoom searched victim computers for e-mail addresses as part of its replication process. But it would also send a search request to a search engine and use e-mail addresses found in the search results. Eventually, search engines like Google began to receive millions of search requests from corrupted computers. These attacks slowed down search engine services and even caused some to crash [source: Sullivan].
MyDoom spread through e-mail and peer-to-peer networks. According to the security firm MessageLabs, one in every 12 e-mail messages carried the virus at one time [source: BBC]. Like the Klez virus, MyDoom could spoof e-mails so that it became very difficult to track the source of the infection.
Virus 3: Sasser and Netsky
Sometimes computer virus programmers escape detection. But once in a while, authorities find a way to track a virus back to its origin. Such was the case with the Sasser and Netsky viruses. A 17-year-old German named Sven Jaschan created the two programs and unleashed them onto the Internet. While the two worms behaved in different ways, similarities in the code led security experts to believe they both were the work of the same person.
The Sasser worm attacked computers through a Microsoft Windows vulnerability. Unlike other worms, it didn't spread through e-mail. Instead, once the virus infected a computer, it looked for other vulnerable systems. It contacted those systems and instructed them to download the virus. The virus would scan random IP addresses to find potential victims. The virus also altered the victim's operating system in a way that made it difficult to shut down the computer without cutting off power to the system.
The Netsky virus moves through e-mails and Windows networks. It spoofs e-mail addresses and propagates through a 22,016-byte file attachment [source: CERT]. As it spreads, it can cause a denial of service (DoS) attack as systems collapse while trying to handle all the Internet traffic. At one time, security experts at Sophos believed Netsky and its variants accounted for 25 percent of all computer viruses on the Internet [source: Wagner].
Sven Jaschan spent no time in jail; he received a sentence of one year and nine months of probation. Because he was under 18 at the time of his arrest, he avoided being tried as an adult in German courts.
Virus 2: Leap-A/Oompa-A
We can thank "Weird Al" Yankovic for warning us of the dreaded "Stinky Cheese" virus.
Maybe you've seen the ad in Apple's Mac computer marketing campaign where Justin "I'm a Mac" Long consoles John "I'm a PC" Hodgman. Hodgman comes down with a virus and points out that there are more than 100,000 viruses that can strike a computer. Long says that those viruses target PCs, not Mac computers.
For the most part, that's true. Mac computers are partially protected from virus attacks because of a concept called security through obscurity. Apple has a reputation for keeping its operating system (OS) and hardware a closed system -- Apple produces both the hardware and the software. This keeps the OS obscure. Traditionally, Macs have been a distant second to PCs in the home computer market. A hacker who creates a virus for the Mac won't hit as many victims as he or she would with a virus for PCs.
But that hasn't stopped at least one Mac hacker. In 2006, the Leap-A virus, also known as Oompa-A, debuted. It uses the iChat instant messaging program to propagate across vulnerable Mac computers. After the virus infects a Mac, it searches through the iChat contacts and sends a message to each person on the list. The message contains a corrupted file that appears to be an innocent JPEG image.
The Leap-A virus doesn't cause much harm to computers, but it does show that even a Mac computer can fall prey to malicious software. As Mac computers become more popular, we'll probably see more hackers create customized viruses that could damage files on the computer or snarl network traffic. Hodgman's character may yet have his revenge.
Virus 1: Storm Worm
The latest virus on our list is the dreaded Storm Worm. It was late 2006 when computer security experts first identified the worm. The public began to call the virus the Storm Worm because one of the e-mail messages carrying the virus had as its subject "230 dead as storm batters Europe." Antivirus companies call the worm other names. For example, Symantec calls it Peacomm while McAfee refers to it as Nuwar. This might sound confusing, but there's already a 2001 virus called the W32.Storm.Worm. The 2001 virus and the 2006 worm are completely different programs.
The Storm Worm is a Trojan horse program. Its payload is another program, though not always the same one. Some versions of the Storm Worm turn computers into zombies or bots. As computers become infected, they become vulnerable to remote control by the person behind the attack. Some hackers use the Storm Worm to create a botnet and use it to send spam mail across the Internet.
Many versions of the Storm Worm fool the victim into downloading the application through fake links to news stories or videos. The people behind the attacks will often change the subject of the e-mail to reflect current events. For example, just before the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, a new version of the worm appeared in e-mails with subjects like "a new deadly catastrophe in China" or "China's most deadly earthquake." The e-mail claimed to link to video and news stories related to the subject, but in reality clicking on the link activated a download of the worm to the victim's computer [source: McAfee].
Several news agencies and blogs named the Storm Worm one of the worst virus attacks in years. By July 2007, an official with the security company Postini claimed that the firm detected more than 200 million e-mails carrying links to the Storm Worm during an attack that spanned several days [source: Gaudin]. Fortunately, not every e-mail led to someone downloading the worm.
Although the Storm Worm is widespread, it's not the most difficult virus to detect or remove from a computer system. If you keep your antivirus software up to date and remember to use caution when you receive e-mails from unfamiliar people or see strange links, you'll save yourself some major headaches.
Labels: news
Access Gmail account when its goes down
0 comments Posted by DILLU... at Wednesday, October 29, 2008These are the gmail modes which worth a lot when you have trouble in accessing Gmail.
Safe mode - http://mail.google.com/mail/?labs=0.
It disables the experimental features from Gmail Labs, just in case some of them are buggy. You can remove some of the features from Gmail's settings page.
Secure mode - https://mail.google.com/.
It encrypts the traffic between your computer and Gmail's servers. Use it from public computers, Wi-Fi networks or to bypass some proxies and web accelerators. There's a Gmail setting that redirects the standard version to the secure mode ("Always use https").
Older version - http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=1.
This version has been replaced in October 2007 by a rearchitectured Gmail, but the old version is a little bit faster.
Basic mode - http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=html.
It's the version that doesn't use JavaScript, so it loads faster and it works well with older browsers. Unfortunately, many Gmail features are missing (contacts autocomplete, chat, spell checker, rich formatting) and each click loads a new page. If you like this version, click on "Set basic HTML as default view" at the top of the page.
Mobile mode - http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=mobile or http://m.gmail.com.
This is a simplified Gmail interface for mobile phones that has even less feature than the basic mode. Use it if no other Gmail mode works for you.
iPhone mode - http://mail.google.com/mail/x/gdlakb-/gp/.
A more user-friendly mobile version for iPhone and other mobile phones that use WebKit-based browsers.
iGoogle gadget - http://www.google.com/ig/gmailmax.
This is the canvas view for the updated Gmail gadget which can be found in the new iGoogle. Some people found that this interface bypasses most corporate filters that prevent them from accessing Gmail at work.
"No browser checking" mode - http://mail.google.com/mail?nocheckbrowser.
If you use a cutting-edge new browser and Gmail serves you the basic HTML mode, try this URL to bypass browser detection.
Labels: google
Edit any website with a single line of code
0 comments Posted by DILLU... at Monday, October 20, 2008Have you ever thought of editing the web pages of another website..!! This simple code makes it possible.
But,you can’t actually edit the actual web page but you can edit the page as you see it on your screen.
This is one of the ways scammers create fake screenshots, fake Adsense & affiliate earnings and even fake Paypal transactions.
All you need to do is visit the site you want to edit, paste the code below into your web browser address bar (tested in Firefox & IE7) and hit the Enter button.
Then simply select a portion of text on the page and start editing.
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0
Labels: scripts
1 Treasure Box
2 Superbad
3 Sugar Free Ink
5 Samorost 1
6 Neave
7 ertdfgcvb.ch
8 Zoomquilt 2
9 Boohbah Zone
10 Medijate
Labels: amazing sites
Uncyclopedia :The Hilarious Evil Twin Brother of Wikipedia
0 comments Posted by DILLU... at Saturday, October 18, 2008Uncyclopedia ...... The Hilarious Evil Twin Brother of Wikipedia
Uncyclopedia is "the content-free encyclopedia".It is formatted as a parody of Wikipedia and aims ultimately to parody all encyclopedic subjects.
Uncyclopedia's stated goal is to "provide the world's misinformation in the least redeeming and most searingly sarcastic and humorous way possible, through satire".Its articles contain information which is spoofed, fabricated or parodied to such an extent that very little factual accuracy remains. In a manner similar to Wikipedia's "Five pillars", Uncyclopedia has a core set of rules called the "Five pliers", including "Satirical point of view".
The Uncyclopedia concept has been adapted to wikis in more than fifty other languages.
CLICK HERE to view this site.
Labels: amazing sites
Microsoft Word 2007 has the option of making the document read only by protecting it using a password. But there might be cases when you want other people to review the document and add comments, but not to edit the original content. Word 2007 has a option to add only comments to the document and original content in the document will be protected with the password.
To protect any document, select the Review tab in Word 2007. In this tab, select Protect Document button from the Protect group.
Protect Document
Click on the item “Restrict Formatting and Editing” from the menu. Now you can see few options enabled in the sidebar. The second item in the list is Editing Restrictions. Check the box against “Allow only this type of editing in the document”. Now select comments from the drop down list.
Next step is the enforce the protection and for this click on the button, start enforcing protection at the bottom. Alternatively you can selectively give full permission for the document based on user name in the exceptional menu. Once you click the button, it prompts to enter the password for protection.
Password Protection
Enter your desired password and click OK. Now the document is protected and only comments can be added for reviewing the document.
Labels: ms office
1-Browse the classics without opening a book
With Google Book Search, you can flick through books from the comfort of your home computer.
2-Never wake up your Australian relatives at 3am again
Use Google Search to make sure you don't rudely awaken anyone the next time you make a call. Type 'time' followed by the location, and midnight disruptions will be a thing of the past.
3-Convert £ to Yuan instantly
Going someplace nice? Type the currency you want to convert into the search box to find out how much it's worth in another currency. Note that rates provided are for information only
4-See the Cerne Giant in your bedroom
Visit some of the world's most famous and unusual places on Google Earth. You can search for places you know or visit the Google Earth KML directory to make new discoveries. *Download required.
Download Google Earth
5-Automatically save every draft of your wedding list/seating plan
Google Docs automatically saves every version of your document so you never have to worry about losing a valuable draft again.
Try Google Docs
6-Flight arrival and departure times in real time
With Google Search, you can enter a flight number and get updated information on when the flight is arriving or departing.
7-Say 'I don't speak Italian', in Italian
With Google Translate, type the word or phrase you want to translate and select your languages to receive your translation. Please note that Translate is only available in some language pairs. We're adding more as fast as we can.
8-Are you big in Uzbekistan?
With YouTube Insights, you can find out what countries your viewers are from and also get additional information like viewer demographics.
Go to YouTube
9-Settle trivia disputes in the pub
Settle a bet in the pub with Google Search on your mobile. Access all the information on the web without needing to be in front of your computer. Go to Google search on your mobile by typing m.google.co.uk into your mobile phone browser
10-Watch your favourite YouTube clips in high-resolution
If you have a fast internet connection, you can change the setting in your YouTube account to always play videos in high definition when available.
Go to YouTube
11-Stargaze on a bright sunny day, or on a cloudy afternoon
Amateur astronomers rejoice. With the Sky feature in Google Earth, you can stargaze at any time of day or night. View everything from supernovas to entire constellations, complete with information on what you're looking at.
Download Google Earth
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Download Google Maps for Mobile
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Struggling to figure out when everyone's free for a get together? With Google Calendar, you can add the calendars of friends, family and colleagues to your own calendar, and your only problem will be agreeing on a restaurant.
Try Google Calendar
14-Keep your family videos in the family
Keep family videos private by using the privacy setting on YouTube videos.That way, only the people you want to see your videos are able to.
Go to YouTube
15-Know not only when the FTSE moves, but why
Stock prices go up and down. Google Finance pairs financial charts with related news of the day. So you can see what happened and why, when you're reviewing your portfolio.
Try Google Finance
16-Find local cinema times
Get big-screen showtimes on your little screen. Type the movie you want to see and your postcode into the search box to get current times and locations. If you need ideas on what to see, you can type the word 'film' and your location to see what movies are playing in your area.
17-Make your homepage YOUR homepage
Personalise your homepage by adding your favourite content to iGoogle. If you want to give it an extra special something, you can also add designs by well-known artists.
Try iGoogle
18-Inspiration, insight or information for your essay, dissertation or thesis
Begin your research with Google Scholar. Search hundreds of different journals, universities, books and other sources from the comfort of your favourite armchair.
19-Turn your email into a conversation
Instead of emailing back and forth, you can reply to an email by chat instead with Google Mail. Your conversations are automatically saved, so you can revisit them just like email.
Go to Google Mail
20-Show your kid where the Komodo dragon lives
To see where the endangered species of the world live, use Google Earth's ARKive layer to display their locations and important facts about them. *Download required.
Download Google Earth
21-Go back to work without going back to the office
Never be without that important file again. With Google Docs, all your documents are saved online. So no matter what computer you're using, or where in the world you are, you can pick up where you left off.
Try Google Docs
22-What Coleridge actually wrote was…
To avoid misquoting the greats of literature, use Google Book Search to check those famous lines, word for word.
23-Have your daily schedule sent to you every morning
Stay on top of your schedule by setting up Google Calendar to email your agenda to you every morning. You can also set up text reminders to your mobile phone.
Try Google Calendar
24-Map out the local sights for visiting friends
With My Maps, you can add your own information to a Google Map, such as descriptions and photos, and share it in an email, instant message, or on a web page. It's a great way to help out-of-town guests find their way, show a favorite route to your running club, or plan your next family road trip.
Go to Google Maps
25-Share your YouTube favorites on the bus
Liven up your commute with YouTube on your mobile. Search for videos, browse categories or sign in to your account to view your own videos or favourites. Go to YouTube on your mobile by typing m.youtube.co.uk into your mobile phone browser
26-Get the latest weather forecast for Hyderabad, or anywhere else on Earth
Taking a trip or going for a stroll? Find out the weather before heading out by typing 'weather' and the location into the Google search box.
27-Search the web Elmer Fudd style
Feewing Wucky? Google Search Preferences lets you choose the language you want to see when you use Google. In addition to many of the world's popular languages, you'll find a few fun ones, like Elmer Fudd and Pig Latin.
Go to Google Search Preferences
28-Fill in web forms with one click
Chances are you've entered your personal details on websites more times than you can count. With Google Toolbar's AutoFill feature, you can enter all of that information once, and the next time you encounter a web form, just click the AutoFill button and your information will be entered automatically.
Download Google Toolbar
29-Add comments directly into your videos
With YouTube annotations, you can add speech bubbles, comments or spotlight a particular section of your video to make sure your audience gets your message. For more information, visit http://uk.youtube.com/t/annotations_about
Go to YouTube
30-Star or label important emails for easy reference
Google Mail makes it easy to locate important messages in more ways than one. Star or label your messages so you'll be able to easily find them again.
Go to Google Mail
31-See tomorrow's storm coming a thousand miles off
Try your hand at weather forecasting by using the weather layer in Google Earth to see when the next storm is coming. *Download required.
Download Google Earth
32-Multiply 27,334.56 by 21.3 without a calculator
Use the built-in calculator in Google search to solve maths problems, as well as units of measure, conversions, and physical constants. For the full range of possibilities, visit our instructions page: http://www.google.co.uk/help/calculator.html
33-Tart up your holiday snaps before sending them out to mates
Make your next holiday slideshow for your dinner guests more interesting. Use Picasa to turn your images into black & white or sepia, or add captions and visual effects. *Download required
Download Picasa
34-Read a newspaper written in a language you don't speak
Browse a foreign website by entering the URL into Google Translate to convert it into the language of your choice. Please note that Translate is only available in some language pairs. We're adding more as fast as we can.
Try Google Translate
35-Learn a new skill in a minute
Watch instructional videos on YouTube to learn new skills, from badminton to the piano. Search for the topics you're interested in or browse the 'How-to & Style' section.
Go to YouTube
36-You are here. The pub you want is there
Use the My Location feature of Google Maps for Mobile to figure out approximately where you are. No GPS required. Once you know where you are, you can also search for nearby places to go. *Download required. *Available for most web-enabled mobile phones, including Java, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and Nokia/Symbian devices.
Download Google Maps for Mobile
37-Work on the same document from four corners of the Earth
With Google Docs, people can work on the same document at the same time, without sending attachments back and forth, or merging changes.
Try Google Docs
38-Know when to take the high road or the low road
Customise your route with Google Maps. Use features like the 'avoid highways' option to tailor your directions.
Go to Google Maps
39-Make yourself feel better - convert your weight from pounds to kilos
Use the built-in calculator in Google search to convert your measurements. For more possibilities, go to http://www.google.co.uk/help/calculator.html
40-Translate your website into 13 languages with a single line of code
No hablo Espanol? No problem. Add the Google Translate gadget to your website, and visitors can view a translation of your site by choosing their language from a list. Please note that Translate is only available in some language pairs. We're adding more as fast as we can.
Try Google Translate
41-Glam up your YouTube channel
Give your YouTube channel the red carpet treatment it deserves. Pick a new colour combination, add a border, or include your own background images.
Go to YouTube
42-Find the ultimate answer to life, the universe and everything
You could meditate under a waterfall for the answer to life. Or try typing it into Google Search and see what you get.
43-Find the email in the haystack
Tired of trawling through 1,932 important emails to find the really important one? Google Mail automatically groups email replies in a single thread, and you also can search by name or keyword to find what you're looking for.
Go to Google Mail
44-DJ at your friend's party...take your playlist with you
Leave your record bags at home and take your laptop to play a set at your mate's party. YouTube's QuickList feature allows you to add videos to your playlist with just one click.
Go to YouTube
45-See the effects of climate change for yourself
Add KML files to Google Earth to see a variety of information geographically displayed, such as the predicted effects of climate change or what country an unusual species calls home. *Download required.
Download Google Earth
46-Survey your mates to conclusively agree on the best film of all time
Settle a friendly debate amongst your friends by using Google Docs to create a survey. Email it to your friends and Google Docs will automatically update with their responses.
Try Google Docs
47-Be famous for 15 seconds, minutes or days
Could you be the next YouTube star? Upload your latest video and spread the word.
Go to YouTube
48-Travel as the crow flies, or go right around the houses
If you prefer the scenic route, use the draggable route feature in Google Maps to change your course and your directions will automatically update to reflect your changes.
Go to Google Maps
49-Work on your online documents even when you're offline
With the offline feature of Google Docs, you can work on your documents on a plane, at the beach, or in a land far away. Your changes will be automatically saved online the next time you sign in. *Download required
Try Google Docs
50-Love this video? Don't miss the sequel
Make sure you're in the know when the latest videos are released by your favourite YouTube stars. By subscribing to their channels, you'll receive an update as soon as they add new videos.
Go to YouTube
51-Preserve instant message conversations
Google Mail automatically saves all your instant messages, so you can refer to them later on. Of course, there are some you may not want to keep around. In those cases, simply take the conversation Off The Record, and it won't be saved.
Go to Google Mail
52-Add a YouTube player to your website
Labels: google
15 Tools for Monitoring a Website’s Popularity
0 comments Posted by DILLU... at Monday, October 13, 2008As a web designer or developer developing a site, it’s helpful to first scout similar websites (i.e. the competition) to help you make design and development decisions. Knowing what websites work and which one can give you insights and inspiration on what design elements, website features, and website content is effective.
To help you in your analysis, here are 15 top-notch, free, and simple web tools to help you learn more about a particular website.
1. Yahoo site explorer
7.social meter
socialmeter is a web tool that scans how popular a web page is throughout major social websites such as Digg, Stumbleupon, and Delicious. It gives you a "socialmeter score" which is currently just a summation of the results found (useful for comparing social media website popularity of different websites).
Quarkbase is a comprehensive web tool that presents a myriad of information about a website. Quarkbase has a "Social Popularity" tab that shows you information about a website’s popularity among social media sites like Digg, Stumbleupon, and Delicious.
10.Blogpulse profiles
11.Technorati blogging central
15.Website look
Labels: amazing sites
How to download online songs using Streamripper
0 comments Posted by DILLU... at Thursday, October 09, 2008
Streamripper is a stand-alone client or Winamp plugin that records Internet radio streams in the MP3 or Vorbis formats. It has an ability to override existing files in the save folder.
Click here to download winamp.
Click here for more info .
Labels: amazing sites
Bypass youtube age verification : firefox addon
0 comments Posted by DILLU... at Wednesday, October 08, 2008
A flagged video will be reviewed by an administrator who has numerous options at hand including setting the flag for age verification which requires users to login before they can view the video. Age verification is pretty basic and anyone who cheated on his birthday can watch the video after logging in.
The message that gets displayed when a user who is not logged in loads a video with age verification is the following: “This video or group may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as flagged by YouTube’s user community. To view this video or group, please verify you are 18 or older by signing in or signing up.”
The Firefox extension You Old Enough provides users with another way. The experimental add-on will check if the video on Youtube is flagged for age verification and open it immediately in a popup window.
CLICK HERE to downloadYou old enough firefox addon ..
Following are collection of the best Youtube tools, hacks, mashups and top ways to download youtube videos...
Youtube addons :
Splicd - Lets you isolate an interesting clip from a YouTube video and provides you with a link to share it with your friends.
Youtube Video Slideshow - insert a username or a video tag below and it starts a slideshow.
fTube - A YouTube player that downloads the list of 25 most recent videos featured on the YouTube front page. The user can select a video from the list and hit the play button to play it in-Flash.
TubeCH - YouTube flash player.
iTube - grab Youtube videos, then convert and import them into iTunes. Requires .Net framework and works exclusively on windows.
TvTube - For Mac users. Allows you to browse YouTube, Google Video and Yahoo Videos, for movie clips that people upload, choose your favorite clips and add them to your shared library.
YouTube API Extraction Tool - PHP script that taps into the YouTube API to deliver videos by tag, by username or what’s a current favorite.
YouTube Widget - brings all of YouTubes videos to your Mac Dashboard.
Search The Tube - A quick way to find videos for your website, blog or profile.
YoutubeCrazyVideos - A Youtube videos desktop player. Freeware.
IndexTube - Categorized and browsable index of the publicly available Youtube videos.
YouTube Podcaster - Makes Podcast feed from your submitted keyword or url. The feed is made up from embedded youtube video IDs and all videos are converted to the MP4 file format.
MemoriesOnWeb - Freeware photo slideshow software for YouTube.
Overstream - Lets you add subtitles to online videos.
Youtube online services :
PureVideo - collects top 10 videos from around the web.
The World Internet TV charts - tracks the most popular video clips from four leading Internet TV sites.
Top YouTube Videos - a daily updated selection of the most popular videos from YouTube.
Vidspedia - is a collection of the best Google and YouTube videos, submitted and rated by users.
Youtube top-rated - a coverpop with the 1,001 top rated videos from YouTube updated every week.
Best of YouTube - a blog selecting the best Youtube videos.
Viral Video Chart - tracks the world’s most blogged about videos including GooTube and MySpace.
Services to download you tube videos :
Delutube - Deleted Youtube video viewer.
Video Downloader - a firefox extension that allows you to download videos to your computer from YouTube and most video sites.
YouTubeX - allows you to save and download YouTube videos easily using only your IE or firefox browser.
TubeSock - grabs YouTube videos from the web and copies them to your video iPod, Mac, or PlayStation Portable.
VideoDL - is a quick AJAX application that allows you to download online video into your computer. It supports top 3 video sites - YouTube, Google Video, and Break.com.
Download YouTube via bookmarklets - A collection of Greasemonkey scripts and bookmarklets to do the job.
Youtube-dl - is a small command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com. It requires the Python interpreter, version 2.4 or later.
KeepVid - Download videos direct from most video sites like YouTube.
YouTube Downloader - enter url and download YouTube videos.
Youtube Grabber - is a free tool that downloads FLV files from youtube.
GooTube FLV Retriever - enter the video page URL, download the youtube video.
Capture Youtube and Google videos - save them as AVI files encoded in the MPEG4 format, using only one command.
YouRipper - a freeware software which enables you to download videos from the YouTube and Google Video.
Save YouTube Videos - paste the youtube video url and download the video.
Integrating youtube videos in your webpages :
YouTube badge maker - will show your viewers images of your 6 most recently uploaded videos.
YouTube Wordpress Plugin - Display YouTube videos on your Wordpress blog according to Tags.
YouTube Video Gallery Wordpress Plugin - Displays a gallery of videos from youtube.com.
WordPress Related Videos Plugin - Uses tags to look for related videos on YouTube, displays the three most recent related videos on your WordPress blog post and updates videos automatically.
Wordpress Favourite YouTube Videos - Wordpress plugin / widget to display, in a very configurable manner, your latest favorite videos from Youtube.
Viper’s Video Quicktags - WP plugin that easily generates codes for copy / pasting to embed videos from sites like YouTube and Google Video or for self-hosted videos into your posts.
WP-FLV - Wordpress plugin simplfies the process of inserting flash video files (FLV) inside a Wordpress post or page.
TubePress - A highly configurable WordPress plugin that displays YouTube videos in an embedded gallery in posts and/or pages.
Labels: youtube